<aside> 💡 Update as of March 31, 2024 & April 10

01-Naya Moss Life Update March 31, 2024

02-Naya Moss Life Update April 29, 2024



My name is Naya, and I find myself in an incredibly difficult situation. Throughout my life, I've strived to tackle challenges independently, but I've reached a point where I must humbly ask for help—an admission that does not come easily to me.

TL;DR: As of March 11, 2024. I am jobless and homeless in an unfamiliar city, urgently in need of assistance.

Here's What's Happened

<aside> 💡 On March 12 at 19:07 CST, I revised this section to enhance privacy and discretion for both myself and those involved. Previously, it contained detailed accounts of abuse. Currently, I am not comfortable with sharing these details so openly. Perhaps i’ll share again after finding stable employment.💜


In the past year, I've faced a series of extremely difficult circumstances, assaults, and abuse that severely impacted my mental and physical well-being. This has led to health issues like tremors, brain fog, loss of appetite, and unfortunately, repeated struggles with my mental health such as suicidal ideation. Sharing this is challenging, as I'm often known for my resilience. However, these experiences have left me isolated in Chicago without secure housing or employment.

Seeking a new start, I accepted an offer of temporary housing in Chicago from a friend. This was intended to provide a much-needed safe space for healing and an opportunity to rebuild my life. I planned to dedicate a few weeks to recovery and then actively pursue employment, even considering immediate options in service positions. Unfortunately, unforeseen complications have made this living situation unsafe and unstable. This has significantly compromised the security I'd hoped to find and hindered my ability to focus on the rebuilding process.

My Immediate Needs

Plan A: Finding Temporary Housing in Chicago

Plan B: Returning to NYC